Welcome! (Please Start Here)


I was once where you are now. Not sure how to get from Point A to Point B, but knowing I REALLY wanted to get there. I hoped, I dreamed, but I also worked my tail off. And, lo and behold, I found my way there and on the winding path of a successful blogger. Now I want to share with you what I know and guide you there, too. If I can help just one person become a successful blogger, all of this will be worth it. I'm hoping you'll be that person I help.

Where is there? There is success, and this will look different for everyone. For me, it meant supporting my family and being able to pay the bills. I needed to get there.

This course is for the beginner blogger, as well as the person who is thinking about blogging and just not sure where to begin. I will guide you through the exact same steps I took in my first 12 months of blogging to go from making practically nothing to making more than $15,000/month on my blog. I am NOT promising you that you can do exactly what I did, or make the money I have made, but I do promise to share with you what I know and have learned. It's up to you to implement the steps smartly and work diligently.

One thing you'll encounter as you work through this course is a lot of tough love. Anyone can create a blog, but it will take real work and discipline to make your blog a marvelous thing that brings in revenue. I will be truthful even when that truth is hard to say or hard to take. And this is important -- I have strong opinions about how things should and should not be done, and reasons to back it up. So be prepared!

In order for this course to work for you, you need to take the steps in the order I've presented them. You need to watch and/or read every lesson. Maybe more than once. Then you need to TAKE ACTION and not progress until you have completed the action step. This is SO important. Read, watch, and then take action. If you don't do this, this will not work.

You also need to be diligent on progressing through the course. Make a commitment right now, to yourself and your dreams, that you will work on this every week, if not every day. I don't think I took a single day off from my blog during that first year. I worked on holidays, vacations, before school, after bedtime, lunch hours, you name it. Even if it was only 15 minutes, I did something. You need to do this, too. No excuses. If this is important, you must make it a priority. It's that simple.

And while this course is organized into 10 steps, please don't make the mistake of thinking you can whiz through all 10 steps and be an amazing blogger raking in the money. Blogging is a long, slow game. It has tremendous rewards, but it's not for the impatient or anyone who isn't in for the long haul. Did you know most bloggers give up before a year, but virtually all blogs need at least a year to get established? You MUST commit to a year if you're serious about this.

I truly want to see you succeed. I want you to become a success story and tell the world how I helped you! I think that would make my entire year. Because in the end, what I really want to do is not make money or be famous, but help people. That's the thing that gets me up in the morning and keeps me going. And I have a feeling you're like me, too.

So apply yourself to this course, take action, ask questions, share your progress, and make your blog something special.


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